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Four Facets of Influencing Those You Care About
One of the greatest responsibilities and honors is to provide guidance to those who look to you for support. This can include your family and those who report to you in a work environment. Four Facets to Show You CARE C – Capable You have experience, competence,...
Five Steps to Thrive in 2025
At the beginning of each New Year, most of us are hopeful for a fresh start. Here are five simple steps to thrive in 2025: 1. CelebrateThat’s right, celebrate! Reflect on the past twelve months and thank God for the victories and lessons you've experienced....
Is Your Organization Led Well?
Attending a leadership meeting is the number one way to tell if an organization is led well. Six Filters of Effective Meetings 1. Start on time.Don’t waste people’s time or train them to show up late. 2. SpaceGive people space to share ideas or give feedback....
Are You A Grateful Person?
Do you value others? Grateful people value others. When you value others, you will find ways to serve them. Are you someone who appreciates the kindness of others and expresses gratitude for it? Being grateful involves valuing and acknowledging the contributions and...
Job Vs. Vocation
In today's society, many people find themselves dissatisfied with their jobs. They may feel unfulfilled, stressed, or stuck in a dead-end career. It's a common problem that affects people from all walks of life, regardless of age or background. One possible...
The Last Dance about Michael Jordan
I recently watched The Last Dance about Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is a well- known figure, and despite being imperfect, there are valuable lessons we can learn from him. Achieving the kind of success he did requires great discipline. Here are my takeaways from...
How to Become Productive
What is productivity to me? The most obvious answer is that you will reach your goals sooner, so you will have more free time and not be overwhelmed. So, how can you accomplish being more productive? Here are some ideas: Complexity is the enemy of productivity.Take...
How to Be Successful
If you research “success” there are thousands of articles, books, and secret tips. Here are some interesting titles: 13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want to Be Successful 55 Tips on How to Be Successful in Life 7 Science-Backed Secrets for Achieving Success in...
Is Your Organization Led Well?
Attending a leadership meeting is the number one way to tell if an organization is led well. Six Filters of Effective Meetings 1. Start on time. Don’t waste people’s time or train them to show up late. 2. Space Give people space to share ideas or give feedback. 3. ...