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What is the Most Productive Age?

What is the Most Productive Age?

In our youth-obsessed culture, it's easy to fall into the trap of believing that productivity and success are solely the domain of the young and the restless. We're bombarded with images of fresh-faced entrepreneurs, prodigies, and wunderkinds who seem to have...

Are You Confident or Prideful?

Are You Confident or Prideful?

A sin I often pray against is pride. In full transparency, pride is a trap I have to be vigilant about not falling into. I’ve worked hard over the course of my life to accomplish the things I have and become the person I am; it’s hard to not let it get to my head...

Important Lessons We Can Learn from Farmers

Important Lessons We Can Learn from Farmers

I’ll be honest with you– I’ve never farmed a day in my life! I prefer the excitement and convenience of city life. However, I have a few friends who are farmers, and from observing their lives and listening to their stories, I’ve learned a thing or two.    At...

It Doesn’t Really Matter– Where Do You Find Your Value?

It Doesn’t Really Matter– Where Do You Find Your Value?

Have you ever found yourself in any of these situations and wondered if it truly matters? It’s your first week of college classes, and you have your first big test coming up. You’ve heard all through high school that college is way harder, so you study every day for...

My Name Is Papa: Practices to Propel Relationships

My Name Is Papa: Practices to Propel Relationships

When I found out that I was going to be a grandfather for the first time, an overwhelming wave of emotion washed over me. This represented not only the start of a new generation but also the continuation of a special bond – the bond between grandparent and grandchild....

Ten Questions You Should Ask Before Deciding to Become An Entrepreneur

Ten Questions You Should Ask Before Deciding to Become An Entrepreneur

The idea of being your own boss, pursuing your passion, and potentially striking it rich is appealing to any person. Visions of entrepreneurial freedom and success have inspired many to ditch the corporate grind and embark on the exhilarating yet challenging journey...

My Top Five Interview Questions

My Top Five Interview Questions

As a leader, one of the most critical roles you have is building a high-performing team. The people you hire can make or break your organization's success. Studies have shown that on average, executives only get it right about 50% of the time when making hiring...

My GPS: Navigating Life’s Challenges

My GPS: Navigating Life’s Challenges

Most of us, today, use some sort of GPS system in our cars to navigate. Whether you use Google or Apple Maps or you have a built-in GPS in your car, you most likely use some sort of technology to help you get from Point A to Point B– and if you don’t, I’m impressed!...

Is Today a Good Day to Die?

Is Today a Good Day to Die?

In a world that often shies away from discussing mortality, the title of this piece might strike some as bold. Yet, within it lies an invitation to ponder a crucial question: How can we discern if today is a day worth living to its fullest? Let's explore the Three R’s...