Look Better and Feel Better In Only 40 Days

Eat More and Lose Weight

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Click here to access your library of resources.

With a twenty year record of coaching, training and mentoring successful executive leaders worldwide, Scotty Sanders has a plan that works

Unlike all the ‘health coaches’ you may have encountered, Scotty Sanders is not an expert in fitness or nutrition. Scotty Sanders is an expert in achieving results like this…

Justin LoBello has lost 80lbs with the plan

If you’ve decided the time has come to reduce your weight and improve your overall state of being, 40-Day Health can change your life. To learn more, click the button below…

Are YOU Ready to See Changes in YOU?

It can happen in only 40 days

40 Day Health is a simple, enjoyable, transformative lifestyle that will produce positive results to the degree you follow the plan.

You will not “go hungry” for 40 days. In fact, most participants are pleasantly surprised by the volume and variety of delicious food available.

If you’re especially motivated to change, accelerated options are also available to help you achieve even more dramatic results. Or, you can just stick with the plan, as Justin has…

  • Lost 80lbs total in 8 months
  • Stopped snoring
  • Eliminated knee pain
  • Lowered cholestrol
  • Dropped 10 pant sizes
  • Shirts went from 2XL to MED

“I had no idea how much delicious food I could eat and still lose weight”

Justin LoBello

We start with simple delicious real food

You won’t “eat grass” for 40 days


The first key to better health is fueling your body with low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods from plants. This is not a statement against meat, and you will not lack protein. You are simply pivoting to broader, more sustainable and less processed nutritional profile during the program – and your body will thank you.

We Eat More Food, Consistently

Fat Burning + Full Digestion


The next key to better health is shifting to consistent eating patterns, larger meals, and longer breaks between meals. Often referred to as intermittent fasting, this pattern helps move your body into fat-burning ketosis daily.

We Exercise Regularly and Modify for Success

Keep it Simple, Keep it Up


Far too many people OVER exercise when beginning a lifestyle change, causing injury or frustration. Your 40 Day Health journey is different: simple exercises, calisthenics, and basic resistance training, with low weight and more time in the activity. One way or another, if you want to lose weight and feel better, “You got to move-it, MOVE-IT !!!”

We Drink Plenty of Clean Fresh Water

Daily Hydration: an Easy Win!


Your body is 60% water. Your brain is 75% water. Your blood is 83% water. Adults process 2-3 liters of water per day, and the only way to replenish is to hydrate properly. Good news: It’s easy and satisfying every time.

We Seek Deep and Restful Sleep

Sleep is far too underrated


A healthy lifestyle is not possible without enough sleep. In fact, the benefits of sleep on your well-being go far beyond just getting through the day. In some ways, sleep quality will define your life – so it is worth working on.


We Have Answers and Info


While we cannot provide any form of medical advice, we are happy to answer questions regarding the program itself.

40 Day Health Contact Us

We Supplement Intelligently

Your needs go beyond vitamins


Since nutritional food values began to be widely studied around 70 years ago – along with the advent of large scale industrial farming – soil quality and food nutrient values have been in decline. To date, average mineral values have dropped 20-50%, and the rate is accelerating. As such, an intelligent approach to supplemental nutrition has become critical to human health and wellness.

We Maintain a Growth Oriented Mindset

Improvement is Always Possible


Having a growth mindset means seeing the potential in yourself and others. Awareness and belief that you can make positive changes. A willingness to learn and discover more. And most importantly, following a plan that takes you the right direction.

Ready for a Fitter, Trimmer, and More Confident YOU?

If the time has finally come to make real, positive change, you’re ready for the results of 40 Day Health.

  • 12 Training Videos ($1300 value)
  • 40 Day Health Master Workbook ($200 value)
  • Video Coaching Archives ($500 value)
  • Private FB Community ($500 value)

Total Program Value:



  • Plus these Additional Resources
    • 7 Simple Disciplines
    • Basics of WFPB Eating
    • Grocery Lists
    • Tips for Eating Out
    • Do’s & Don’ts
    • Q&A’s
    • Intermittent Fasting
    • Intelligent Supplementation
    • Mindset Resources

Introductory Price:

Only $99 !!!

Already a participant in 40 Day Health?
Click here to access your library of resources.