If you research “success” there are thousands of articles, books, and secret tips. Here are some interesting titles:
- 13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want to Be Successful
- 55 Tips on How to Be Successful in Life
- 7 Science-Backed Secrets for Achieving Success in Life
- 9 Psychological Strategies to Get Ahead in Life
- Become Fearlessly Successful
- Being Funny Will Make You More Successful
Some of these might be helpful, but the #1 way I can tell if a person will be successful is to look at their daily routine. It is not just about your tasks, but also about taking time to reflect on the progress and plan for the future.
- Do they have a plan for the day?
- Are they disciplined?
- Are they a fast mover?
If you do not have a daily routine, what changes can you make? How can you improve?
- Work on yourself every day (Learning comes before earning).
- Evaluate your experiences.
- Solicit feedback.
Here is an idea to supercharge your personal growth – become comfortable being uncomfortable!
- Learn something new (Technology, physical, etc.).
- Do something new (Call a potential client, go on a mission trip/serve the poor).
- Set an impossible goal (You will probably fail but it will stretch you out of your comfort zone).
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