Is Your Organization Led Well?

by | Aug 19, 2024 | Business Development, Policies, Video

Attending a leadership meeting is the number one way to tell if an organization is led well.

Six Filters of Effective Meetings

1. Start on time.

Don’t waste people’s time or train them to show up late.

2.  Space

Give people space to share ideas or give feedback.

3.  Safe

Make your meeting a safe place to share failures and disappointments and give honest feedback without fear of retaliation.


4.  Social awareness

The leader needs to be aware of the team members’ needs and what they are going through.

5. Strategic

The meeting agenda should include the organization’s strategic priorities. Don’t spend time on things that don’t really matter.

 6.  Speed

The goal is not how fast you can get through the meeting; however, many meetings take longer than needed. Keep the meeting focused and moving at a reasonable speed.

Think through the meetings you lead or participate in and run them through these six filters.

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