I recently watched The Last Dance about Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is a well- known figure, and despite being imperfect, there are valuable lessons we can learn from him. Achieving the kind of success he did requires great discipline. Here are my takeaways from watching The Last Dance:
Lessons from Michael Jordan:
1. Demand high standards.
As the leader, you are constantly being observed. Aim for excellence in every area and be the driving force. Be punctual, respectful of others’ time, kind, and maintain a positive attitude.
2. Let your game do your talking.
If you are skilled, there’s no need to boast; your actions will speak for themselves. Be a person who under promises and over delivers.
3. Determination
Adopt a mindset of “we will not fail.”
4. Resilience
Face and overcome challenges, no matter how intimidating.
5. Leading and winning comes with a price.
You may not always be the most popular, and not everyone will want to be on your team.
These lessons apply not only to basketball, but also to any other sport or profession.