Self-Care: You will pay if you delay!
Self-Care is something that no one else can do for you.
One of the best ways you can care for others is to care for yourself.
Five critical building blocks to self-care:
A. Don’t be involved in unhealthy relationships.
B. Be cautious of disappointment turning into discouragement. Discouragement can easily spread to others. If you find yourself in depression, speak up and seek help.
C. Deal with your anger issues.
D. Begin the day with a WIN.
E. Plan some downtime; vacation, rest, etc.
A. Spend time in study; books, blogs, podcasts, etc.
B. Find online courses to continue your education.
C. Attend Seminars/Conferences.
D. Take time to teach others what you learn.
A. Get out of your comfort zone; you won’t grow unless you are willing to be stretched.
B. Look for best practices inside and outside your industry.
C. Network with others.
D. Be a mentor and have a mentor.
A. Get enough sleep.
B. Stay hydrated.
C. Eat healthy/sensibly.
D. Participate in exercise (cardio/strength training).
A. Spend time in prayer.
B. Take time to read the Bible daily.
C. Spend time in reflection.
You should be passionate about your work.
Make your eating and exercise routine doable.
Stay away from toxic people.
Focus on what you do have, not what you don’t have.
Keep things in perspective.
Be okay with saying no.
Be comfortable in your own skin; don’t try to be someone else.