The Art of the Start: A New Place to Lead

by | Dec 28, 2021 | Goals, Personal Development, Priorities, Success


When beginning a new job, especially in a leadership role, the first 100 days set the tone. 



Try these practices for a good start:


1.  Doing good is better than looking good.

Do the right things the right way. Unfortunately, all of us can fall into the trap of making people happy so we will look good. This usually bites you in the long run.


2.  Be smart on how you make mistakes.

First, realize if you are leading, you are going to make mistakes. So take risks, but be smart and don’t make the same mistake twice. You must learn from each mistake.


3.  You can’t just study leadership; you have to practice it.

I am a big advocate of studying all you can. But leading involves having hard conversations, making tough decisions, defining reality, being accountable and taking responsibility.


4.  Make people the priority.

All business is about people. Make time on your calendar to meet with the people you lead. Look for ways to encourage, equip, and empower them.


These four practices will make your first 100 days successful!


Download my free resource today. Finding the 25th Hour: Checklist Challenge.


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