The Best Leaders, Lead Themselves Well
So let me ask; would you follow you?
The best leaders I have known lead themselves well. Here are examples of behaviors of those who lead themselves well:
They lead themselves well
They are servant leaders
The best leaders put the people they lead ahead of themselves. They consider how to help the people they lead versus what they can get from them.
They are transformational and motivational
Leaders who add value and make others better are the best leaders. If you have a hard time encouraging others, at least don’t be demotivating.
They cast vision and focus on the big picture
Great leaders can cast an inspiring vision that others are willing to follow and communicate the big picture.
They empower people while keeping them accountable
Great leaders take power that they have and give it to others. They are confident enough in their leadership that they aren’t threatened by others. It is important to empower others while providing accountablility.
They prioritize relationships
People are important to leaders. Leaders schedule the time to connect with others. Good leaders encourage others and look for ways to coach and care for those they lead. Good leaders are also active listeners.
They are trustworthy and trusting of others
Leaders should be a person of their word. They must be able to trust others to empower them.