Personal Philosophy of Life

by | May 13, 2022 | Personal Development

What is a Personal Philosophy? It can be guiding principles or a guiding statement that informs what you think, say, and do.


It is not your Purpose Statement. 


My Purpose Statement: To encourage and empower others to live, lead, and finish well.


My Personal Philosophy: Big Enough to Share, Small Enough to Care.


So let me break that down for you:

Big Enough to Share

  • You are at a place in your life where you can add value to others.

  • You have an abundance mindset. You are a “Giver,” not a “Taker.”

  • You are highly motivated to keep growing to continue to share with others.

Small Enough to Care

  • Don’t consider yourself better than others

  • A heart to serve others

  • Everyone needs encouragement


Let me challenge you to develop your own Personal Philosophy of Life.


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